Sunday, April 25, 2010

Welcome Newton!

In February, I started to grow a little poppyseed in my tummy. It has gone through many different stages of development already. This week it is the size of a fig, so we're calling it Newton. The girls don't like the name (especially Nikki!) but Tad and I are a bit amused. They don't seem to understand that this name is only temporary and by next week we will have a new nickname for it.

At my age having another baby was definitely not what we were looking for, but the Lord had other plans for us as we have learned since moving to Wyoming nine years ago. As I think back to our moving here just before Christmas 2000 with five young daughters - ages 8 to 3 months - we have had more things happen than I ever imagined. Tad has grown in the gospel as he has served as a counselor in the bishopric followed by bishop and now in the stake presidency. These callings have given our family more blessings than we can count.

One significant change we made occurred a couple of years ago when the Ogden Temple president challenged us in stake conference to attend the temple once a month. Even when we lived close to a temple we were not as faithful in our attendance as we knew we should have been, but we accepted that challenge and have found planning on when to go to the temple each month has been a highlight we look forward to often. It should be noted that the closest temple is at least four hours away and during the winter the passes when open are often dangerous to drive over.

In October of last year we had gone to Rexburg, Idaho, to visit Talia as well as get in a session at the temple. I have never had the spirit speak to me the way it did and I was afraid to really acknowledge the impressions I had for a couple of weeks. When I had finally accepted what had happened and shared the experience with Tad, his feelings were of shock, much like mine. After much prayer and fasting we knew we were to follow these promptings and with a leap of faith moved forward. I think the fact that I was able to get pregnant as quickly as I did is another testament to the promptings I received in the temple and we are now looking forward to our brood's continued growth.

Am I saying that everyone should have what feels like a supersized family in an average sized home? Definitely not! To add to our already feeling of coziness in our home, Tad began a new job this past week which will have him working primarily from home so one of our precious bedrooms was sacrificed to become an office. On the upside of things, Tad will be here when I have not so good days (which seem to finally be ebbing) and Talia will have a closet to call her own although she will most likely be sleeping on an air mattress in the office when she does come home.

We were a bit reluctant to tell people at first, worried about what people would think, but in reality, those things shouldn't matter. This is between me and Tad and the Lord and that's all that matters. Fortunately, there has been nothing but excitement shown to us by those near and dear to our family. I was told last week while we were in the temple and I shared my experience with the workers there that this child will be blessed by coming to a home where its parents loved the temple and attended often. I didn't know what to say about that at the time, but I know they were right and we look forward to November when this little one will bless our home with its spirit. What a great way to bring in the holiday season (I know it's a little early to celebrate but I gotten a bit of a reputation for being a planner and looking ahead).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you!!! While Jake and I were in the temple this week for Betsy's sealing we both had the impression that we needed to return more frequently and make it a priority! I appreciate this post. Thanks!
